If you are having problems signing up with your credit card, you have a 3 options:
1. Set up A Paypal Account With Your Credit Card
Go to www.paypal.com and create a paypal account. Then add your credit card to your paypal account. Then try to checkout on our website again.
2. Set up A Paypal Account With Your Bank Account
Go to www.paypal.com and create a paypal account. Then follow the steps to connect your bank account to paypal. Once you have done that, you can send the to sarah@gettefl.com. Then I will set up your account manually.
3. Pay By Western Union
If you don't have access to paypal, we accept Western Union. If you would like to send the fee by Western Union, all the info you need from me is my name "Sarah Fauset" and my location "Ontario, Canada". Once you fill out Western union's form and submit it, they will give you a 10 digit number. Once you receive the 10 digit number, please email it to me at sarah[@]gettefl.com along the sender's full name and country. Then I will pick up the fee and set up your account manually.